- GOVERNMENT RELATIONSOur extensive network of contacts in government and the political media allows us to provide sophisticated and cost-effective assistance to clients, whether or not they have a Washington-based government affairs team. We serve as a public policy, news and information source for clients.
- STRATEGY, ADVOCACY & REPRESENTATIONAt Palladian Hill Strategies, we have built relationships with a wide range of lawmakers and staff, providing up-to-the minute intelligence for our principals, maximum access for our clients and thorough exposure to their issues. We excel at the creation, management and execution — often simultaneously — of multiple legislative and regulatory strategies by utilizing strategic formal and informal meetings with key officials, representing clients in substantive hearings, briefings, conferences and workshops in Congress and the Executive Branch.
- REGULATORY PRACTICEPalladian Hill Strategies provides important representation before Congress and will serve as your eyes and ears in the National’s Capital. Unlike many of our competitors, we are a full-service firm handling programs, grants, and compliance, as well as regulatory, legislative and enforcement issues.
- CRISIS MANAGEMENTIf a crisis arises — a letter, congressional inquiry, proposed or pending legislative or administrative action — that has the potential to negatively impact your business, let us help you decipher the risk and assess the threat. What is driving the state of play, who is driving the action, and how can you best position your interests? Palladian Hill Strategies can help you understand the meaning and how to respond.
- POLICY, ISSUES ADVOCACY & STRATEGIESOur combined experience — legal, corporate government affairs, Capitol Hill, federal government and independent agencies, nonprofit and private sector — allows Palladian Hill Strategies to offer our clients balanced and sound advice and effective strategies of the highest professional quality, providing added value to the pursuit of their advocacy goals. This representation includes advocacy of issues, public policies and regulatory interpretation.
- COALITION BUILDINGAt Palladian Hill Strategies, we often build coalitions around shared interests, mobilizing corporate actors, trade associations, professional services organizations and other consultants. We work creatively to develop and coordinate alliances with others to enhance the voices in favor of our client’s goals and objectives.
- PUBLIC AFFAIRS & PUBLIC RELATIONS COORDINATIONPalladian Hill Strategies knows how to work with corporate government affairs offices, trade associations and multiple industry contributors when presenting industry —wide positions on important public policy matters and specific regulatory or legislative items. We work with public relations partners to ensure that the media coverage and materials disseminated both to Congress and the Federal Government are valuable, principled and consistent with the client’s goals and objectives.